SKU Management - New SKU Mapping, Edit SKU Mapping, Enable/Disable SKUs and Listing Master

  • Updated

Overview: This article on Catalog management focuses on New SKU Mapping (New SKU Mapping), Edit SKU Mapping (Edit SKU Mapping), Enable/Disable SKUs (Enable/Disable SKU) and Listing Master (Listing Master)

New SKU Mapping 

  • In New SKU mapping, you will map your channel or marketplace specific SKU ID to the SmartHub SKU ID. Here, SmartHub's SKU ID is the same as your seller central SKU ID in Amazon.

1. You have to log in to SmartHub using your Admin credentials and the following link :

2. Once you are logged in, navigate to side menu and click on Products > Add/Manage products.

Screenshot (78).png

3. Click on “Download Template” and you will be able to view New SKU Mapping, Edit SKU Mapping and Enable/Disable SKUs templates.

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4. You have to download the template for “New SKU Mapping”. Click on “Download” and the template will be downloaded.

Note: The template will be an .xls template.

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Screenshot (46).png

  • The template will require SmartHub SKU, Channel SKU and Channel Name.
Requirements Definition
SmartHub SKU SmartHub SKU is the Amazon MSKU.
Channel SKU The channel SKU is the channel-specific merchant SKU that you are using in other channels or marketplaces.
Channel Name Marketplaces on which you are selling, like Flipkart Standard or Shopify

5. Fill in SmartHub SKU, Channel SKU and Channel Name in the template. After all the details are updated in the template, click on “Upload file” for New SKU Mapping.

Screenshot 2023-09-07 112242.png

6. After you click on “Upload file”, you have to select the Operation type as “New SKU Mapping”.

Screenshot 2023-09-07 112623.png

7. After the operation type “New SKU mapping” is selected, click on “Upload file”. After clicking on "Upload file", you have to select the updated "New SKU mapping" template" file and click on "Upload".

Screenshot 2023-09-07 113110.png

Screenshot 2023-09-07 113542.png

8. After the “New SKU Mapping” template is uploaded, status of the upload will show in status column.

Screenshot 2023-09-07 113957.png

  • Here are different possible ‘Status’ messages you can view in the status column:
Status Message Description
IN PROGRESS Template submitted, mapping update is WIP (Work In Progress) in backend
COMPLETED Template submitted and backend update completed successfully with no failure rows (SKUs)
PARTIALLY COMPLETED Template submitted and backend update completed successfully for selected rows only due to errors in some rows
FAILED Template format is incorrect (missing column/modified column name)
  • You will also have an option to download the “Success Report” from Completion report column.

Screenshot 2023-09-07 114135.png

  • Example of sample “Success Report”:

Screenshot (52).png

9. If there’s an error while uploading the “New SKU Mapping” template, it will look like:

Screenshot (53).png

Screenshot (83).png

  • You will also have an option to download the “Failure Report” from Completion report column.

Screenshot 2023-09-07 121435.png

  • Examples of “Failure Report”:

Screenshot (55).png

Screenshot (80).png

Screenshot (81).png

  • Possible Error Codes/Message that can appear in the “Failure Report” for “New SKU Mapping”.
Error Code Reason Resolution
SmartConnect SKU is blank SmartConnect SKU field is either left blank by the seller Seller to recheck the field and submit again
SmartConnect SKU is invalid SmartConnect SKU entered is invalid Seller to recheck the field and submit again
Channel SKU is blank Channel SKU field is either left blank by the seller Seller to recheck the field and submit again
Channel SKU is invalid Channel SKU entered is invalid Seller to recheck the field and submit again
Channel Name is blank Channel Name is either left blank by the seller Seller to recheck the field and submit again
Channel Name is invalid Channel Name is not equal to one of the valid values from the template Seller to recheck the field and submit again
Duplicate mapping request. XXXX is already mapped to YYYY from this channel. MSKU (XXXXX) is already mapped to another Channel SKU (YYYYYY) from the same Channel Seller to recheck the channel SKU and channel name, and submit again
Channel SKU already mapped to another SmartConnect SKU There is an existing mapping of the same Channel SKU-Channel Name combination with a different SmartConnect SKU in the merchant's account. Seller to recheck the channel SKU and channel name, and submit again
Channel not configured with your account Given channel (Flipkart/Shopify) is not configured with the merchant yet Seller needs to reach out to program team to get the new channel configured for his account.

10. If there are no errors while uploading “New SKU Mapping” template, you can view the status of “New SKU Mapping” as “Completed”.

Screenshot 2023-09-07 123535.png


Edit SKU Mapping

  • In New SKU mapping, you will map your channel or marketplace specific SKU ID to the SmartHub SKU ID. Here, SmartHub's SKU ID is the same as your seller central SKU ID in Amazon.
  • In Edit SKU Mapping, you will Edit existing SKU Mappings of other channels. Its an edit related to the channel details.

1. You have to log in to SmartHub using your Admin credentials and the following link :

2. Once you are logged in, navigate to side menu and click on Products > Add/Manage products.

Screenshot (30).png

3. Click on “Download Template” and you will be able to view New SKU Mapping, Edit SKU Mapping and Enable/Disable SKUs templates.

Screenshot 2023-09-07 102426.png

Screenshot (45).png

4. You have to download the template for “Edit SKU Mapping”. Click on “Download” and the template will be downloaded.

  • Note: The template will be an .xls template.

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Screenshot (46).png

  • The template will require SmartHub SKU, Channel SKU and Channel Name.
Requirements Definition
SmartHub SKU SmartHub SKU is the Amazon MSKU
Channel SKU The channel SKU is the channel-specific merchant SKU that you are using in other channels or marketplaces.
Channel Name Marketplaces on which you are selling, like Flipkart Standard or Shopify

5. Fill in SmartHub SKU, Channel SKU and Channel Name in the template. After all the details are updated in the template, click on “Upload file” for Edit SKU Mapping.

Screenshot 2023-09-07 112242.png

6. After you click on “Upload file”, you have to select the Operation type as “Edit SKU Mapping”.

Screenshot 2023-09-08 103734.png

7. After the operation type “Edit SKU mapping” is selected, click on “Upload file”. After clicking on "Upload file", you have to select the updated "Edit SKU mapping" template" file and click on "Upload".

Screenshot 2023-09-08 104218.png

Screenshot 2023-09-08 105752.png

8. After the “Edit SKU Mapping” template is uploaded, status of the upload will show in status column.

Screenshot 2023-09-11 125044.png

  • Here are different possible ‘Status’ messages you can view in the status column:
Status Message Description
IN PROGRESS Template submitted, mapping update is WIP (Work In Progress) in backend
COMPLETED Template submitted and backend update completed successfully with no failure rows (SKUs)
PARTIALLY COMPLETED Template submitted and backend update completed successfully for selected rows only due to errors in some rows
FAILED Template format is incorrect (missing column/modified column name)
  • You will also have an option to download the “Success Report” from Completion report column.

Screenshot 2023-09-11 140112.png

  • Below is an example of sample “Success Report”.

Screenshot (75).png

9. If there’s an error while uploading the “Edit SKU Mapping” template, it will look like:

Screenshot (76).png

Screenshot (84).png

  • You will also have an option to download the “Failure Report” from Completion report column.

Screenshot 2023-09-11 141337.png

  • Examples of “Failure Report”.

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Screenshot (86).png

  • Possible Error Codes/Message that can appear in the “Failure Report” for “Edit SKU Mapping”.
Error Code Reason Resolution
SmartHub SKU is blank SmartHub SKU field is left blank by the seller Seller to recheck the field and submit again
SmartHub SKU is invalid SmartHub SKU entered is invalid Seller to recheck the field and submit again
Channel SKU is blank Channel SKU field is either left blank by the seller Seller to recheck the field and submit again
Channel SKU is invalid Channel SKU entered is invalid Seller to recheck the field and submit again
Channel Name is blank Channel Name is either left blank by the seller Seller to recheck the field and submit again
Channel Name is invalid Channel Name is not equal to one of the valid values from the template Seller to recheck the field and submit again
Mapping does not exist This is a callout for the seller that the SmartHub SKU was previously not mapped to any SKU from the Channel. Seller needs to upload the mapping in the new SKU mapping operation.
Can't process due to open orders. Kindly cancel the open orders for this SKU on the channel and try again. Seller is trying to edit mapping for an SKU that has open orders against it on the channel. Cancel open orders for the SKU on the channel and retry.

10. If there are no errors while uploading “Edit SKU Mapping” template, you can view the status of “Edit SKU Mapping” as “Completed”.

Screenshot 2023-09-11 142354.png


Enable/Disable SKU

  • Enable or Disable SKU means enabling or disabling a particular SKU on a channel (like Amazon, Flipkart or Shopify). By performing this operation, you can either make a SKU active or inactive on a channel (like Amazon, Flipkart or Shopify).

1. You have to log in to SmartHub using your Admin credentials and the following link :

2. Once you are logged in, navigate to side menu and click on Products > Add/Manage products.

Screenshot (78).png

3. Click on “Download Template” and you will be able to view New SKU Mapping, Edit SKU Mapping and Enable/Disable SKUs templates.

Screenshot 2023-09-07 102426.png

Screenshot (45).png

4. You have to download the template for “Enable/Disable SKUs”. Click on “Download” and the template will be downloaded.

  • Note: The template will be an .xls template.

Screenshot 2023-09-11 155312.png

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  • The template will require SmartHub SKU, Channel name and Operation type.
Requirements Definition
SmartHub SKU SmartHub SKU is the Amazon MSKU
Channel name Enter the channel name here like FlipkartStandard, Shopify, Amazon FBA, Amazon MFN
Operation type Depending on whether you want to enable SKU or disable SKU, please enter enable or disable.

5. Fill in SmartHub SKU, Channel name and operation type in the template. After all the details are updated in the template, click on “Upload file” for Enable/Disable SKUs.

Screenshot 2023-09-07 112242.png

6. After you click on “Upload file”, you have to select the Operation type as “Enable/Disable SKUs”.

Screenshot 2023-09-11 160636.png

7. After the operation type “Enable/Disable SKUs” is selected, click on “Upload file”. After clicking on "Upload file", you have to select the updated "Enable/Disable SKUs" template" file and click on "Upload".

Screenshot 2023-09-11 160943.png

Screenshot 2023-09-11 161221.png

8. After the “Enable/Disable SKUs” template is uploaded, status of the upload will show in status column.

Screenshot 2023-09-11 161758.png

  • Here are different possible ‘Status’ messages you can view in the status column:
Status Message Description
IN PROGRESS Template submitted, mapping update is WIP (Work In Progress) in backend
COMPLETED Template submitted and backend update completed successfully with no failure rows (SKUs)
PARTIALLY COMPLETED Template submitted and backend update completed successfully for selected rows only due to errors in some rows
FAILED Template format is incorrect (missing column/modified column name)
  • You will also have an option to download the “Success Report” from Completion report column.

Screenshot 2023-09-11 162052.png

  • Example of “Success Report”:

Screenshot (94).png

9. If there’s an error while uploading the “Enable/Disable SKUs” template, it will look like:

Screenshot (95).png

Screenshot (96).png

  • You will also have an option to download the “Failure Report” from Completion report column.

Screenshot 2023-09-11 162900.png

  • Examples of “Failure Report”:

Screenshot (97).png

  • Possible Error Codes/Message that can appear in the “Failure Report” for “Enable/Disable SKUs”.
Error Code Reason Resolution
SmartConnect SKU is blank SmartConnect SKU field is either left blank by the seller Seller to recheck the field and submit again
SmartConnect SKU is invalid SmartConnect SKU entered is invalid Seller to recheck the field and submit again
Channel Name is blank Channel Name is either left blank by the seller Seller to recheck the field and submit again
Channel Name is invalid Channel Name is not equal to one of the valid values from the template Seller to recheck the field and submit again
Mapping does not exist SmartConnect SKU to channel mapping does not exist in the merchant's SmartConnect account Seller to recheck the SKU x channel name combination and submit again
Duplicate enable/disable request Seller has submitted multiple operations for the same SmartConnect SKU-Channel name combo Seller needs to recheck and remove the operation not needed from the template.
Invalid operation type Operation type entered by the seller is neither enable nor disable but some other enum. Seller to recheck the field and submit again


10. If there are no errors while uploading “Enable/Disable SKUs” template, you can view the status of “Enable/Disable SKUs” as “Completed”.

Screenshot 2023-09-11 163630.png


Listing Master

  • In Listing Master, you will get complete list of all your listings at a SmartHub SKU and Channel level.
  • You will be allowed to take an export of all your listings using the 'Generate Listings Master' button.

1. You have to log in to SmartHub using your Admin credentials and the following link :

2. Once you are logged in, navigate to side menu and click on Products > Add/Manage products.

Screenshot (78).png

3. You can view the “Generate Listings Masters” tab.

Screenshot 2023-09-13 111234.png

4. Clicking on “Generate Listings Master” tab will start the generation of the report. Once the operation is completed, status will show as “Completed”.

Screenshot 2023-09-13 112002.png

Status Description
IN PROGRESS For reports that are getting generated.
COMPLETED For generated reports.
FAILED Operations that fail/timeout due to some server error.

5. You will have an option to download the completion report. Click on “Download”, under completion report column.

Screenshot 2023-09-13 114548.png

  • Sample “Listing Master” report:

Screenshot (101).png

  • Status - Value can be either Unmapped (if the SmartConnect SKU - Channel SKU is not mapped yet), Enabled (mapped listing in Enabled state), Disabled (mapped listing in Disabled state).