Upload Inventory in Bulk - OMS

  • Updated

Overview: This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to bulk upload inventory on SmartHub.


  • The SKUs for which inventory is being updated should be listed in the individual channels (eg. marketplaces or D2C storefront).
  • SKUs should be distinct. 

1. Login to SmartHub using your Admin credentials and the following link: https://smarthub.amazon.in/

2. Once you login to your account, navigate to the side menu, Inventory > Upload inventory. On the page, you will be downloading the template, filling the template with required details and uploading the template for bulk inventory upload.

3. Click on “Download template” to start the inventory upload process.

Note: This is how the template will look like: TemplateFile_BulkUploadInventory.csv

4. You have to fill in the required details in the template. SmartHub SKU ID and quantity.

5. Once you have finished updating the template, click on “Upload file” and attach the updated template.

6. After you upload the template in step 5, the status of the upload will show up under Inventory > Upload Inventory.

7. If you encounter any errors while uploading the template, the error will show under Inventory > Upload Inventory.

  • If you hover over the status > Partially completed "i", you will be able to view the error message. This error message will show the error encountered in the uploaded template file.

  • If there is an error while uploading the template, you will have the option to “Download report”, rectify the error and then re-upload the template as guided in step 5.

  • Example screenshot of the sample error file, where you can see the SKU, quantity, and error message.

  • Below are the possible errors you might come across while uploading the bulk inventory template. If you come across any of the errors mentioned, you can always rectify them using the resolution mentioned.
Error Error Message Resolution
File Size >20 MB This file is too large to upload. Maximum supported file size is 20MB The file to be uploaded should be less than 20 MB. If the file size is above 20 MB, reduce the size and re-upload the file.
Invalid File format Invalid File format. Check the columns and upload again Allowed file format for template upload is .csv
Duplicate entries present Duplicate SKU present. While updating the template, make sure there are no duplicate entries for same SKU.
SKU does not exist in the catalog SKU is not mapped in the catalog SKU mapping is needed before bulk inventory upload.
Negative number is entered in quantity Quantity can only be 0 or greater than 0. Negative Inventory not allowed While updating the template, make sure that no negative quantity is updated in the template. Quantity can only be 0 or greater than 0. Negative Inventory not allowed.

8. Once the templates are uploaded completely, status of upload will change to "Completed":