Add New User on SmartHub

  • Updated

Overview: This article provides a guide on how to add a new user in the SmartHub Panel.

1. Log in to SmartHub using your Admin credentials through the following link:

2. Navigate to Settings and select Users.

3. Click on "Add User".

4. Update personal details (To add a new user, an invite will have to be sent to the user, where in amazon will send notification on the registered email id. After the user accepts that, he will be added as a new user)

5. Assign a role.

6. Click on "Send Invite".

7. Once the invite is sent, Amazon will send a notification to the registered email address. It will appear as shown in the image below: 

8. Click on "Accept Invite" and then select "Create your Amazon Account."

9. Once completed, the user will be added to the SmartHub Panel.